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Our Story.......
Thank you so much for taking time to read our story. The mere thought that you are surfing  and like our page confirms to US--PLAYERS, PARENTS AND COACHES that we are on the right track in helping our community.
In 2012 there were a group of elementary and middle school boys with good grades, great attitudes and great goals of being the very best they could become for themselves and their community. Understanding the hopes and wishes of the boys, several fathers stepped in with a helping hand.  These" helping hands" were encouraging the boys to pursue their academic goals, assisting the boys with community give back projects, and inspiring the boys to make their dreams come true. This unyielding support paid off and Statesboro Force was formed.


Statesboro… Focusing On Real Challenges and Empowerment



Statesboro Force is a registered AAU Basketball team with the National AAU , but we also recognize ourselves as a positive and empowering community team. The Statesboro Force Teams participate in basketball to learn life skills.


The program does not recruit players , the players recruit "The Force Teams" to enhance their basketball and life skills.  


Skills learned in basketball can be paired with real challenges of the world . The boys, with adult supervision, have worked for  The ReStore of Habitat For Humanity, with the understanding redoing and reusing is valuable just  as redoing basketball plays over and over to improve skill is vital. The lesson of never quitting was gained through experiences related to Relay For Life . The students in 2013 walked in Relay For Life and sponsored a
“Wash Out Cancer Carwash". For the 2014 year this give back tradition will continue  with Lay-Ups and Hoops for Life.  Quitting the fight for life is not an option. They have participated in local Law Enforcement Workshops, as well as Georgia Forestry Training.
In recognition of their hard work with these projects the 22 boys were able to attend and gain early entrance to an Atlanta Hawk game as well as meet significant individuals of the organization. Once again this year they have been called to attend one of the games.
To end the season on a high note, their effort on the court paid off as well and they qualified  and played in the National Amature Athletic Union  Tournament in the Orlando, Florida at the ESPN Center this past summer.
In 2013 Statesboro Forces consisted of 22 boys from Statesboro and Screven . This 2014 year the
fathers , volunteer coaches and parents of the organization are very excited and eager to share
that the 22 original young boys returned, as well as 55, other young boys joined the club. These
boys range in age from 10 to 16. They are from Statesboro, Metter, Screven, Pembroke and
Richmond Hill located in Georgia.


We are very excited to serve these young boys and their parents as they willingly work to serve others  and improve the quality of their own life which results  in an improvement in  academics, sportmanship and leadership.




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